function [t,f] = Fredholm_second_kind (n, g, K) % Accompanying program for the text % % Classical and Modern Numerical Analysis: % Theory, Methods and Practice % by Azmy S. Ackleh, Edward J. Allen, % R. Baker Kearfott, and Padmanabhan Seshaiyer % % (Taylor and Francis / CRC Press, 2009) % % [t,f] = Fredholm_second_kind (n, g, K) returns a set of n+1 points % equally spaced in [0,1] (with n subintervals), and the corresponding % approximate solution to the Fredholm integral equation of the second % kind: f(t) = \int_0^1 k(t,s) f(s) ds + g(t). The technique in Section % (Formula (10.73)) is used, with w_j = 1 for each interior % node, and w_1 = 2_{n+1} = 1/2. The corresponding dense system of % equations is solved using Matlab's intrinsic procedures for solving dense % linear systems (matrix left division "\"). t=linspace(0,1,n+1)'; g_array = feval(g,t); h = 1/n; for i=1:n+1 for j=1:n+1 w(j)=h; %Trapezoidal rule if(j==1 | j==n+1) w(j)=h/2; end %Trapezoidal rule %w(j)=2*h/3; %Simpson's rule %if(j==1 | j==n+1) w(j)=h/3; end %Simpson's rule %if(j==2*floor(j/2)) w(j)=4*h/3; end %Simpson's rule k(i,j)=w(j)*feval(K,t(i),t(j)); end end % Complete definition of the matrix and solve the resulting linear system - A = eye(n+1) - k; f= A\g_array; return