# function [integral_value,success] = composite_Newton_Cotes(f, a, b, m, eps)
#  Accompanying program for the text
#     Classical and Modern Numerical Analysis:
#     Theory, Methods and Practice
#  by Azmy S. Ackleh, Edward J. Allen,
#     R. Baker Kearfott, and Padmanabhan Seshaiyer
#     (Taylor and Francis / CRC Press, 2009)
#  I = composite_Newton_Cotes(f, a, b, m, eps) computes an approximation to
#  the integral of f over the interval a to b, using composite Newton-Cotes
#  integration, according to the explanation in sections 6.3.1 and 6.3.2 of
#  the text. f is a string giving the name of an "m" file containing the
#  function to be integrated, a is the left end point of the integration
#  interval, b is the right end point of the integration interval, and m is
#  the number of points in the Newton-Cotes formula.  (Closed Newton-Cotes
#  formulas are used.)  The weights for various m are stored in this
#  routine, with valid values of m between 2 and 11. Computations stop when
#  the approximation with 2n subintervals differs by less than eps from
#  the approximation with n subintervals, provided that can be achieved with
#  less 15 doublings (2^{15} = 32768 subintervals.  'success' is set to
#  false if the tolerance cannot be met, and is set to 'true' if it can.
#  For example, suppose the m-file f_sin_x_over_xsqp1.m contains
#    function [y] = f_sin_x_over_xsqp1(x)
#    y = sin(x) / (x^2 + 1);
#    return
#  Then, the following sequence will return an approximation to the integral
#  of sin(x) / (x^{2} + 1) over the interval [0,10], using Simpson's rule,
#  and with a stopping criterion for the composite integration process of
#  eps = 0.000001:
#    clear
#    a = 0; b = 10; m = 3;
#    [integral_value, success] = composite_Newton_Cotes('f_sin_x_over_xsqp1',...
#        a, b, m, 0.000001)

# JR note: Did not do literal translation. The original .m file did not make any use of vectorization.
# Here I vectorize over the panels. Shortens the code and makes it run faster.
# I also changed the weights to a more straightforward form.

import numpy as np

def composite_Newton_Cotes(f, a, b, m, eps):

        if   m == 2: # Trapezoidal rule
                w = (1/2) * np.array( [1, 1] )
        elif m == 3: # Simpson's rule
                w = (1/3) * np.array( [1, 4, 1] )
        elif m == 4: # The 3/8 rule
                w = (3/8) * np.array( [1, 3, 3, 1] )
        elif m == 5: # Boole's rule
                w = (2/45) * np.array( [7, 32, 12, 32, 7] )
        elif m == 6:
                w = (5/288) * np.array( [19, 75, 50, 50, 75, 19] )
        elif m == 7:
                w = (1/140) * np.array( [41, 216, 27, 272, 27, 216, 41] )
        elif m == 8:
                w = (7/17280) * np.array( [751, 3577, 1323, 2989, 2989, 1323, 3577, 751] )
        elif m == 9: # Note weights of opposite signs, bad for roundoff error --
                w = (4/14175) * np.array( [989, 5888, -928, 10496, -4540, 10496, -928, 5888, 989] )
        elif m == 10:
                w = (9/89600) * np.array( [2857, 15741, 1080, 19344, 5778, 5778, 19344, 1080, 15741, 2857] )
        elif m == 11: # Expect this formula to have very bad roundoff properties --
                w = (5/299376) *  np.array( [16067, 106300, -48525, 272400, -260550, 427368, -260550, 272400, -48525, 106300, 16067] )
                print('Error in composite_Newton_Cotes:')
                print('The if m',m,'points is not implemented.')
                integral_value = (b-a)*feval(f,(a+b)/2)
                return False, integral_value

        n = 1 # number of panels
        error = 2*eps
        integral_estimate = (b-a)*(f(a)+f(b))/2

        for n_doubling in range(1,16):

                n = 2**n_doubling
                x = np.linspace(a,b,n,endpoint=False)  # left endpoints of panels
                H = (b-a)/n  # width of panel

                xoff = np.linspace(0,H,m)
                h = xoff[1] - xoff[0]  # width of subinterval in panel
                hw = h*w  # scaled weights
                s = 0
                for k in range(m):
                        s += hw[k] * f(x + xoff[k]).sum()

                error_estimate = abs(s-integral_estimate)
                integral_estimate = s
                print('{:9.0f} {:12.6f} {:12.6f}'.format(n,s,error_estimate) )

                if error_estimate <= eps:       return True, s

        print('composite_Newton_Cotes could not achieve accuracy eps =', eps)
        return False, s

if __name__ == '__main__':

        from f_sin_x_over_xsqp1 import f_sin_x_over_xsqp1

        #def f_sin_x_over_xsqp1(x): return 0*x + 1  # test on very easy function (constant at 1)

        a = 0; b = 10;

        for m in range(2, 12):
                print('m =',m)
                success,integral_value = composite_Newton_Cotes(f_sin_x_over_xsqp1, a, b, m, 0.000001)
                if success: