function p = hat_function_value (j, xi, n, h, z); % Accompanying program for the text % % Classical and Modern Numerical Analysis: % Theory, Methods and Practice % by Azmy S. Ackleh, Edward J. Allen, % R. Baker Kearfott, and Padmanabhan Seshaiyer % % (Taylor and Francis / CRC Press, 2009) % % This is an auxiliary routine used by interpolant_with_hat_function_basis. p=0; if(j==1 & xi(1) <= z & z <=xi(2)) p=(xi(2)-z)/h; elseif (j==n+1 & xi(n) <= z & z <= xi(n+1)) p=(z-xi(n))/h; elseif( 2 <= j & j <= n & xi(j-1) <= z & z <= xi(j)) p=(z-xi(j-1))/h; elseif (2 <= j & j <= n & xi(j) <= z & z <= xi(j+1)) p=(xi(j+1)-z)/h; end return