
MTH 306 J and K with Prof. Ringland, Spring 2025

Ordinary Differential Equations


Miterterm Exam 1, Tuesday, March 4

Coverage: Chapter 0, Chapter 1 except 1.5 Substitution and 1.8 Exact Equations, Chapter 2 through section 2.2. This corresponds to Homeworks 1 through 5.

No calculators.

One 1-sided sheet of handwritten notes - on provided template only.

Labs on Friday Feb 28 will be devoted to answering questions you may have in preparation for Exam 1.

First projects

Here are the options and instructions for the First Projects. Study the options and determine your preferences. The sign-up form will be posted at 5pm on Tuesday, March 4.

Office hours

Mine: Wednesdays 4:00-4:50pm in 206 Math Bldg

Yanzhan's for 306 J: Wednesdays 2:00-3:00pm in 137 Math Bldg

Tom's for 306 K: Wednesdays 11:00am-12:00pm in 137 Math Bldg

Score sheet

Here is the score sheet.

Picture of the day


All the pictures of the day

Policies and logistics

Course policies and logistics

Timetable (provisional timetable subject to adjustment)


Please enroll yourself immediately in the UBx online homework system by following the instructions here. Homeworks are due at 11:59pm Wednesdays, the first on Jan 29.

Software and hardware

You will need to have a computer with a Python programming environment. The (free) Anaconda distribution (note you can "skip registration"), which comes with all standard packages included, is strongly recommended. You'll need a computer running Linux, MacOS, or Windows.

Download and install Anaconda before the first lab on Friday, Jan 24.

You should always bring your laptop to the labs.

Second project

Description forthcoming later


PDF. Physical copy available from Amazon for $8: see Logistics and Policies.

Piazza forum

A place to ask and answer questions about the course. I will enroll everyone on Jan 23.